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AMIGO International

Let us apply the magic of our trade to your suits, shirts, and to your individual jackets, trousers and dresses. You’re always welcome to add some access­ories too. Talk to us about those fad­ed/jad­ed trou­sers and shirts that you love so much (and bring them along if poss­ible): we can re-create them to per­fec­tion, with fabrics of your choice! Expect magic turn­around times. Mirac­les might occa­sionally take a little longer…

What we’re offering is seamless per­fection, always com­bined with highest quality stand­ards. And that covers every aspect of the process — fabrics, detail­ing, choices, and of course always in­cor­por­ating your individual pre­fer­ences.

Our employees enjoy fair working conditions — the word “sweat­shop” is just not in our voca­bu­lary. Which also means we’re not “cheap”: we just have attrac­tive and reason­able prices. And that en­sures con­stant, highest quality on every level!

You can trust our years of expe­rience. Our busi­ness has been flouri­shing since 1977, and you bene­fit fully from the accumu­lated know-how and experi­ence!

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