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Hastin School

We are an aspiring modern and progressive school providing the latest technological & innovative resources to enhance the learning experience, preparing our students for the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Our approach promotes stimulated well-being and child development, starting at the Kindergarten stage and progressing all the way through to Primary Grade 6.

Hastin School’s curriculum is both compliant with the Thai Ministry of Education and in collaboration with Oxford International Curriculum. The school is a private bilingual educational establishment hosting a brand new fully equipped Primary campus – ideally located just outside the busy city of Pattaya.

To prepare our students for the 21st Century, schools need to rethink, redesign and reshape their approach to learning. Apart from focusing on the 3 Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic), we are aware the students will need much more sophisticated life skills for their world. Incorporated into the curriculum are creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills.  This is imparted to the learners through extensive and revolutionary resources like GigoSTEAM, Oxford Big Writing Adventures, Nelson Handwriting, and project and task-based learning.

Feedback from interviewing the students is that they love to be hands-on and learn things about the world around them. Real-world problems and real-world solutions.

At Hastin School, we understand that we are preparing our learners for their world, not ours. The future will be a much different place when they are old enough to venture out in it alone.

Our 9 Key Areas of Development:

  1. Personal-Emotion Development
  2. Social Development

  3. Physical Development

  4. Language for Communication Development

  5. Literacy

  6. Cognitive Development

  7. Knowledge and Understanding Development

  8. Problem Solving, Reasoning, and Numeracy

  9. Creative Development

By applying many learning activities, the students will have fun while studying the languages which will help prepare them for further academic study in the primary school level. Our teachers facilitate learning, become observers and motivators, so our learners can learn from their own thinking, analysis, communication, problem solving and hands- on experiences, which are integrated in their everyday school activities.

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